Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Lord is good!

Last night after I wrote on here a friend called and she prayed for me and helped me to fight the fog that was trying to come in.After I got off the phone the Lord spoke to me and gave me a verse in Ephesians which reminds me that I need to stand,and to remember that I am not fighting against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of darkness.And if I stand He will be with me.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Rehabilitation story.

Well I went to the place where they are going to help me live with the pain and get back to work. I like the back stretches that we do in the mornings but the rest of the day is long and boring. On Thursday I went in and told them I was sore so they told me to only do 5 minutes of my stuff at a time and see how I did. The therapist than called me in and did a deep massage on my back and leg which felt ok till I tried to get up and than it was over. I have been off work for over a year and right this minute I feel like I am back at square one. I can't climb stairs or move very fast. To top it all off I have to go back there on Monday so they can teach me to live with the pain and keep up whatever they want from me. I will go because I need to I am not happy but I will turn it over to Him who carries me because I need to be carried.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Getting ready for work.

Well I start a new program on Monday the 24 of November which is going to get me back to work. I am happy that I will be going back to work. I miss the kids and the friends I have made there. I am not looking forward to the program that they want to put me on as it is for 6 weeks, than back to work. Oh well whatever.

It is hard to believe that it will be a year since my granddaughter was born she is so sweet. My daughter is so blessed with a great baby.I am trying to figure out what to buy her as she has so much already. Not sure but I guess I will figure it out before her birthday. Maybe a new car seat or some toys. The hardest thing is her birthday is just before Christmas and so I don't want to spend alot of money now as I will have to have something for Christmas too.

For Christmas this year my husband and I have decided not to give each other a gift, well that is not really true. What we are doing is giving to some cause that we feel is better than giving to each other when we have all our needs met. I realized the other day that the Lord has blessed me with all my needs and even some of my wants. I need to now look at what I can do for someone else. I think we are going to but some chickens or fill some school bags for some children in Africa.Plus I think we will give to Harvest here in the city.

Monday, October 13, 2008

what's going on

Well it has been a while. So let's see we have not gone to SHOP for a whole afternoon as we have found we are tried from being at church in the morning so now we only are going for the evening set. We are enjoying our time there and feel the Lord there and love spending time with Him.

As far as the job with my friend after much thought and pray I have decide that it is not for me. I like having my weekends free.

I was feeling some what better with my leg and back but for some reason this weekend it is not good. But I trust that the Lord knows what He is doing and why I am not healed yet.

I had a job interview last week but don't feel it is for me either. I am praying that the Lord will show us what He wants for us.

This afternoon we are going to spend some time with our son Ryan and his wife Ashely, this is the first time we have been invited to supper with just them. They are living with her mom and dad as the place they were living in made Ryan sick. They bought land and are planning on moving a trailer onto it. It is out in Steinbach.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

After the Dr.

Well in the last two days I have seen two Dr's. The first one made me feel rotten by telling me to suck it up and go to physio and than get back to work and it didn't matter if I was in pain or not. But my Dr said do physio and wait to see if I can go back to work. I also might have to have an operation which makes me scared but I know that my God is bigger and he will make a way for me.

I might have a different job opportunity so I am waiting to see if it is one I should even think about. My friend is running a nanny agency and wants me to help run it. I think I would like to do it, as part of the time I would be home and only have to work some nights to meet families and bring nannies to the families. But I need to work out details first. so I am just praying to see what I should do.

Last night we had some people here from Sanctuary House of Prayer explaining what they are all about and found it very interesting. I love the fact that it is all for an audience of One.The One who matters the most in my live. We are going to go early on Sunday so we can see what it is like. we wonder if the two old people will handle it for a whole afternoon.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Been off work now for 13 months and am tired of the wondering what is up. It could be so easy to go to the dark place and stay there. I hate! Yes hate the uncertainty of what will happen. so many good things have happened since the move but this one is not good as of yet. I just had my second cortisone shot and it does not seem to be working. The first one in my leg did nothing and so the Dr. said we will now do one in your tailbone. Wonderful! Not! I am a big baby when it comes to pain in my back.Now this one is doing nothing except now I have more pain in my back and the leg is still numb.So I wait two weeks and go to see the Dr. and from there we will see what is up. He said maybe operation on the back. This scares me.

I love my job and wonder if I will every get there again.If I don't go back to work soon I will have to take some other courses to keep my mind busy so I don't think about my back. So all I can do is take it to the Lord and rely on Him to give me strength to get through.

Today is one of those days where I feel the pull very strong to go to the dark place and hide.But I know that the Lord is bigger and instead I will run to Him.

I made Jim hold me and let me cry I told him there is nothing you can fix so just let me have my cry.He did. I love that man so much cause he puts up with me when I get like this. I don't even want to put up with me when I am like this. It comes in waves and maybe it is good as it washes away like the tide.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Time flies

Well it is hard to believe we have been in our new house almost 5 months and so much has changed. We built a new deck, are getting new windows and bought a brand new bedroom suite and stuff for our living room. Which might not be a big deal for any one else but for us this is huge.We have never had new stuff, before mostly second hand which was fine but now it is the time for us to have new. We have been in a bad place the last few years and the Lord has brought us out of it. He has blessed us so very much even in the middle of the stuff we where going through. Without Him we would not be here, not only in our new house but with each other.Thirty years this year thank you Lord!

One of the hardest things this summer was my mentor and best friend went Home to be with the Lord and I miss her a lot. She was like a mom to me and was there whenever I needed a slap to keep on track with the Lord.I try not to cry as I know that she is at peace but some times when I need to hear " stop navel gazing and keep your eyes on the prize" I remember I don't have her to share with any more, and I cry. When two people you love go home in less than a year it is hard. Allan and Carol will both be missed.

When summer started we went to SHOP and the Lord spoke to us that more change was coming and we should walk in what He has for us. While we both are saying yes to Him in whatever He wants for us. This is very exciting for me as I see my husband growing in the Lord in a new way.

My little granddaughter is 9 months old now and starting to stand up so by Christmas time she should be walking/running, she is very happy and Dawn is one blessed mom.

I have been off work a year now and am tried of it, if I am off any longer I will have to start another course of some kind just to keep my sanity. I have now had two shots in my back to see if they will help with the pain and inflammation. the first one did nothing and so now I have done number two, this one was in the tailbone into the spine. so I am praying it works as the Dr. said if it did not than off to surgery. which to be honest scares me! But I know that the Lord is with me and will keep me strong.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hungry for more!

On Sunday we went to SHOP excited to hear Ed and Lynn talk about what they had experienced in Florida at the healing conference. Needless to say I went excepting something but not sure what. Well the Power came full force and now I have to say I need more of Him and less of me. I am on a search for what I can do to get that intimacy once again with Him . I know that I have not been there for awhile, not that He went any where just me.

Right at this moment I am listening to David Ruis on God TV and realize it has been along time from Him and this place of total abandonment. I need more but not sure how that looks. I am on the hunt for it!So here I come looking for MORE!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Telephone Books

Well another year of telephone books is done thanks goodness for that. Our church does telephone books once a year to help raise extra money for things at church. It is a long long week with evenings being given up to do this. I am very glad that it is over for another year. One bad thing happened this year I ran over someones basketball net and it cost me $180.00 my first run over ever. Other wise all went well, the books were done in less than 10 days which was nice.

We sold our house and got the keys for our new one on the 15th of May. I must say at first I was disappointed in our new house as we realized how much work we had to do. I think Jim and I were so tired from looking that because we did not have to bid on this one we just bought it. When we saw it again we were shocked on the colours and the shape of things.

But we have super children who gave of their time to help us get it ready to move into. We started painting the upstairs on Sunday and by Monday we were ready to paint the basement. We just brought our colours from our old house. In six days we had everything done inside.We still have lots of things that need to be done, but it sure feels good now. On Saturday the 24 of May at 6:00pm we were all moved in. Not only that but just about everything was put away. Way to go Tina! I am so very blessed with great kids. They sure were a help if they had not all given of their time, Jim and I would still be painting. I hope to figure out how to post pictures to show the colours before and after.I have to say it feels good now.

I finally finished my course and got my marks for it and have to say I am proud of me. I did so much better than I thought I could do. So now I am a Early Childhood Educator III. Which means I can open a centre or work as a Director. Now I need to find something else to do with my spare time. I am thinking of taking another course but just not sure what it will be.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Two more days

In two days all that will be left of my course to do is the writing of my notes and thoughts about what I thought of my time at the centre. I did the workshop and it was fine and have done the parent resource, so now I am down to the wire. Hard to believe, that I am almost finished.

We took my dad to his home last night which made him happy to finally be out of the hospital after three long weeks. He spent the last week with one of his friends who came in with a bad heart. He is younger than my dad and my dad felt bad for him as he had to stay there.

Well now that is finished we will start to pack. Not long and we will be in our new house. I am looking forward to it but will miss my friends here.

Last week I broke my back tooth and had to get it pulled out so now I have no back teeth up top. Boo who. It sure hurt and I cried alot that day. But it feels better now. I broke it eating sunflower seeds. ouch!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hello again!

Well lets see we sold our house and are moving as of May 27. I am very happy about that no more having to run out of the house for hours at a time. We had four offers and took the top one. Just when I thought things would settle down, my dad fell and hurt his hip. He has been in the hospital for the last two weeks, so that means me going and seeing him everyday. I don't mind as someday I know he won't be here and I really like spending time with him. My youngest daughter was home for Spring break with baby and was not to happy that we could not spend to much time together she asked if I had to spend all my time with grandpa. I told her it was my honor, privilege and duty to spend time with him, that is how I feel anyways. I did spend some time with her and I think she was just feeling that way when her friends were not here.

I also started my final part of my course I am now in my practicum at a centre where I follow a Director around it is very interesting getting a view of what they do. I have to do a workshop for a staff meeting this week and a parent resource board and one more week of following. After that I need to write what my experience was like and than I am finished and will be able to apply for a job as a Director.It has been a long hard road but I am almost finished!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, since I last blogged we found a house and put our house up for sale. The sign went up this morning. I never thought we would get it cleaned but it is done. Thank God for Tracee who is my neighbor and friend, she came by on Friday when she saw our house on MLS and said she would help me to clean it up. As I can not pick up or move any thing to heavy she did all that. She came over all weekend and man it looks great. I would want to buy back my own house, but it is still to big for us. With five bedrooms and only two people it is to large. Anyways the fun now begins as we wait for some one to fall in love with it. I am praying for the right family to move in. I know that the Lord is great because He brought Tracee here to help me get it done. With her help, my youngest daughter, oldest daughter and her husband it was done by 8:30 last night. On Thursday I could not see the end of the tunnel and now I can see the whole field. Wow!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Off till April

Off till April says my Dr. at first this made me cry a little as I love my job and miss my kids at work. I have to see a specialist and he will tell me what I need to do next. My Dr wants to give me a shot in my back of celestone which is an anti-inflammatory which he hopes will help. I am fine until I stand to much or try lifting anything heavy for to long. I know that it could be alot worse but it does stink when you can't move to well. So now that I am off again for awhile I am thinking of taking some more courses not for my Early Childhood Education stuff but for church. I have know for awhile that our church would help us as leaders to get more training but with my other course I did not feel I had the time to do it. So now that I do I think I will take advantage of it.

Funny, how I never knew I could actually do school. I guess for a long time I never thought that I was smart enough to go to College, I don't think it was until I started homeschooling my children did I realize that I had some brains. That is when the learning bug hit, because I had to take some courses to learn how to teach them. After that when I went to the Womans Resource Centre and a super counsellor there encouraged me to go to Red River and as they say the rest is history. It was hard work but well worth it, I think any ways. The only regret is that I never knew this when I was younger and had the energy to do it all.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am now cleaning the hole, I mean basement. What a lot of junk we have collected over the years to much stuff. Oh well, now I am passing the stuff on to some one else to have. I have boxes of clothes and kitchen junk and other things all going to Goodwill. This moving stuff is very stressful as you want to present the house at its best to have someone buy it. I sometimes wish I was not a such a pack rat, but I am learning to let go. I guess this is a good thing but right now I am just tried of the stuff!! thank goodness for Goodwill.

Well, my friend had her third baby and now is wondering what she was thinking when she thought she could handle three under 4. I guess there are some people out there who have more but it is funny to listen to her as she talks about what is going on. She wants to hire a nanny to help her. I don't think she will stay at home to long as she is bored with the mommy stuff. I personally loved being home with my children when they were little. I am so grateful that I did get to be at home with them. I like being at home even now. This is bad because I really need to work outside the home but truth be told I would stay at home if I could.Oh well I should get back to the basement and get it done as we need to move stuff down there so we can put in the carpet upstairs.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Finally finished

Well I am finally finished my theory stuff for my ECE III which is making me very happy. I have been working on it since I have been off work. It is one reason I have not gone totally insane being off this long. I go to the Dr's again at the end of the month and than will find out what is next for me and my back.

We have decided to sell our house and move into something smaller with no upstairs. Anyone know someone who would want a five bedroom house in Fort Garry? the house hunting in scary as prices are so high. One house we looking at that was 800 Square feet listed at $127 sold for $162. Oh well we are off to look at more houses this weekend and than we will see if we can find the one for us.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Peace at home

Well Dawn and her daughter when back to their home last night. I have to say it is nice to have the house to ourselves once again. Don't get me wrong I love my children but it has been a little stressful with new baby here, not that we looked after her or anything just different with noise and stuff. When you are use to the quite and being able to be on the computer when I want to, and not waiting for someone else to get off of it. Jim never goes on the computer so I usually get it most of the time.
I went for my MRI and won't see the Dr till Jan 30 so will be off work till than. I must say I am a little worried about what they will say, I know that it is in His hands but I still worry. I also redid my CPR and First Aid on Sat. so now I am good for another three years.
Hopefully will finish my ECE stuff this month, we will see.
Well that is all for now.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New member in our family

Well once again time has gone by to fast. So to update anyone who does read this, my daughter had a little girl on Dec. 10. Her name is Raign, she weighed in at 7 lbs 11oz. and was 21 inches long,and is the most beautiful baby I have seen in years. It was the most amazing thing, I know that I have had my children but seeing your child give birth was way cool.
Christmas has come and gone and it was a good year, besides having a new baby here, my other daughter was home for the first time in two years. So it was nice to have all 6 of our children home for Christmas plus the in-loves.
I am still off work for at least the rest of the month, which is fine because I plan on finishing my school for my next level of ECE. I am going for a MRI on Sat. so hope it works out ok. Well that is all for now if any thing new happens I will blog again.