Thursday, September 11, 2008

Time flies

Well it is hard to believe we have been in our new house almost 5 months and so much has changed. We built a new deck, are getting new windows and bought a brand new bedroom suite and stuff for our living room. Which might not be a big deal for any one else but for us this is huge.We have never had new stuff, before mostly second hand which was fine but now it is the time for us to have new. We have been in a bad place the last few years and the Lord has brought us out of it. He has blessed us so very much even in the middle of the stuff we where going through. Without Him we would not be here, not only in our new house but with each other.Thirty years this year thank you Lord!

One of the hardest things this summer was my mentor and best friend went Home to be with the Lord and I miss her a lot. She was like a mom to me and was there whenever I needed a slap to keep on track with the Lord.I try not to cry as I know that she is at peace but some times when I need to hear " stop navel gazing and keep your eyes on the prize" I remember I don't have her to share with any more, and I cry. When two people you love go home in less than a year it is hard. Allan and Carol will both be missed.

When summer started we went to SHOP and the Lord spoke to us that more change was coming and we should walk in what He has for us. While we both are saying yes to Him in whatever He wants for us. This is very exciting for me as I see my husband growing in the Lord in a new way.

My little granddaughter is 9 months old now and starting to stand up so by Christmas time she should be walking/running, she is very happy and Dawn is one blessed mom.

I have been off work a year now and am tried of it, if I am off any longer I will have to start another course of some kind just to keep my sanity. I have now had two shots in my back to see if they will help with the pain and inflammation. the first one did nothing and so now I have done number two, this one was in the tailbone into the spine. so I am praying it works as the Dr. said if it did not than off to surgery. which to be honest scares me! But I know that the Lord is with me and will keep me strong.


Amanda said...

Hi MJ!! I just stumbled upon your blog the other day. It's nice to read about your life!
Congratulations on the 30 years! That's awesome. Chris and I just had our 5th anniversary. That's crazy. It feels like we just got married.

Amanda Hildebrand

MJ said...

I know I feel the same way about our marriage. It is only when I look at our kids do I realize it has been 30 years. Your cakes look wonderful. Are you doing that besides as well as teaching? Your little one sure is sweet. I do see you on facebook every ones in awhile.take care/