Friday, February 29, 2008

Off till April

Off till April says my Dr. at first this made me cry a little as I love my job and miss my kids at work. I have to see a specialist and he will tell me what I need to do next. My Dr wants to give me a shot in my back of celestone which is an anti-inflammatory which he hopes will help. I am fine until I stand to much or try lifting anything heavy for to long. I know that it could be alot worse but it does stink when you can't move to well. So now that I am off again for awhile I am thinking of taking some more courses not for my Early Childhood Education stuff but for church. I have know for awhile that our church would help us as leaders to get more training but with my other course I did not feel I had the time to do it. So now that I do I think I will take advantage of it.

Funny, how I never knew I could actually do school. I guess for a long time I never thought that I was smart enough to go to College, I don't think it was until I started homeschooling my children did I realize that I had some brains. That is when the learning bug hit, because I had to take some courses to learn how to teach them. After that when I went to the Womans Resource Centre and a super counsellor there encouraged me to go to Red River and as they say the rest is history. It was hard work but well worth it, I think any ways. The only regret is that I never knew this when I was younger and had the energy to do it all.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am now cleaning the hole, I mean basement. What a lot of junk we have collected over the years to much stuff. Oh well, now I am passing the stuff on to some one else to have. I have boxes of clothes and kitchen junk and other things all going to Goodwill. This moving stuff is very stressful as you want to present the house at its best to have someone buy it. I sometimes wish I was not a such a pack rat, but I am learning to let go. I guess this is a good thing but right now I am just tried of the stuff!! thank goodness for Goodwill.

Well, my friend had her third baby and now is wondering what she was thinking when she thought she could handle three under 4. I guess there are some people out there who have more but it is funny to listen to her as she talks about what is going on. She wants to hire a nanny to help her. I don't think she will stay at home to long as she is bored with the mommy stuff. I personally loved being home with my children when they were little. I am so grateful that I did get to be at home with them. I like being at home even now. This is bad because I really need to work outside the home but truth be told I would stay at home if I could.Oh well I should get back to the basement and get it done as we need to move stuff down there so we can put in the carpet upstairs.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Finally finished

Well I am finally finished my theory stuff for my ECE III which is making me very happy. I have been working on it since I have been off work. It is one reason I have not gone totally insane being off this long. I go to the Dr's again at the end of the month and than will find out what is next for me and my back.

We have decided to sell our house and move into something smaller with no upstairs. Anyone know someone who would want a five bedroom house in Fort Garry? the house hunting in scary as prices are so high. One house we looking at that was 800 Square feet listed at $127 sold for $162. Oh well we are off to look at more houses this weekend and than we will see if we can find the one for us.