Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, since I last blogged we found a house and put our house up for sale. The sign went up this morning. I never thought we would get it cleaned but it is done. Thank God for Tracee who is my neighbor and friend, she came by on Friday when she saw our house on MLS and said she would help me to clean it up. As I can not pick up or move any thing to heavy she did all that. She came over all weekend and man it looks great. I would want to buy back my own house, but it is still to big for us. With five bedrooms and only two people it is to large. Anyways the fun now begins as we wait for some one to fall in love with it. I am praying for the right family to move in. I know that the Lord is great because He brought Tracee here to help me get it done. With her help, my youngest daughter, oldest daughter and her husband it was done by 8:30 last night. On Thursday I could not see the end of the tunnel and now I can see the whole field. Wow!


Kristi said...

That's awesome!

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

God bless friends who offer to clean!